Friday, February 19, 2016

A Lack of Self Control Leads to a Lush Haul

It was Galentine's Day (thx Leslie Knope for this holiday. luh you).

Treat yourself to this lovely picture of the day, complete with me looking glam in two (count 'em-- TWO) pairs of eyeware. And also Sarah eating a blueberry--not moldy--bagel.

My sister and I took a trip to Easton: an outdoor/indoor mall complex/materialist wonderland in Ohio, about an hour from our college. The original intention for this trip was to go to P.F. Chang's and buy a friend a birthday present from Lush. Simple enough, right? Except those Lush employees are so darn helpful!!! Sarah and I left with a face mask and lotion each, as well as samples a plenty.

An hour later, after a meal at the culturally authentic P.F. Chang's, something wasn't right. We couldn't stop thinking about Lush. Sure we had a face mask, but what about our hair? What about moisturizers? We couldn't go home satisfied. After deliberation, we re-entered Lush and were immedietly recognized by the shopkeepers and felt embarassed. But we persisted! After careful deliberation and consultation we both decided on our final purchases and left smelling and feeling wonderful.

I love Lush, and I have for ten years now. I've decided that once I have a job I will make the full switch to a Lush-lifestyle and smell fabulous FOREVER. Maybe by then I'll actually have a bath so I can take advantage of those fun bubbles and bath bombs that are oh so trendy now.

I have since sampled and loved all my purchases, so here's a list, so you can decide if any pique your interest:

The picture on the left is much better and clearer and the one which I will refer to when describing the products (in clockwise order, excluding the little pots of samples). The picture on the right features my desk, which I just wanted to show you cuz I think it's nice.

All the prices might seem expensive compared to other brands, but they last me so long. The products are so good, and so concentrated, you only need to use a tiny amount. I see it as an investment. 

1. Big ($26)
Big is a wonderful and unique product that I've used in the past. It is 70% sea salt (don't quote me on that, but it is A LOT of salt) and does wonders for volume. With my silky (read thin) hair, it adds the body I want and need. 

2. Charity Pot ($7)
This little pot has a nifty otter on it! All the charity pots have pictures featuring different grassroots charities that all the proceads from Charity Pot lotion go to. Lush has raised $12 million for charities this way, which is awesome and a great excuse to buy this lotion. It smells great (big surprise), is pretty affordable, and is so moisturizing you barely need any to get hydrated. The smell lingers (in a good way) and I find myself sniffing my hands throughout the day, which, now that I think about it, probably looks super weird. 

3. Imperialis ($25)
This is a great face lotion that is pink and pretty. I wanted to get Celestial, my favorite, but they were sadly out of stock. This is a good substitute thought! I think it's good for sensitive skin. I don't work at Lush, I just fund it. I love all of Lush's face products because they're so light and hyrdating and leave your skin feeling clean. 

4. Mask of Magnamity ($13)
My sister and I were browsing the face masks that have to be refrigerated when a storekeeper suggested this mask to us. It's different from the refrigerated masks because it doesn't have to be kept in the fridge, and it lasts way longer--3 months as opposed to 3 weeks. It's full of honey, which as the storekeeper explained, is hydrating and antibacterial--perfect for treating and preventing breakouts. Only a few dollars more than the refridgerated face masks, this is a great value. 

5. Samples (FREE)
I got a shower jelly, two conditioners (Veganese and Happy Happy Joy Joy), and Gorgeous face lotion.

The shower jelly is a fun novelty and smelled great, but seemed impractical. It fell five times because it's so slippery, and I feel like you'd use it faster than normal soap.
So far, I've only tried Veganese, but I love it! It's very light which is perfect for my silky (thin) hair and compliments Big shampoo really well.

Goergeous face lotion is a whopping $90 per pot, so I obviously wasn't going to buy it. But the price intrigued me. It's so expensive because it's filled with cold press juices from avacodos and another vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables. The things that are good for your body are good for your face too! I like it fine, but I don't think it's worth the price. 

Overall, yay Lush! And now I smell great ALL the time, and annoy people with how much I talk about my new shampoo :)