Tuesday, January 12, 2016

New Semester's Resolutions

Hello, it's me. If you're wondering where I've been for all this time (are those the lyrics? Get back to me, Adele), the answer is a much needed WINTER BREAK. 
fail kids snowman kid fail fun and games
I've been in Buffalo, NYC, Lake Placid, and back to Buffalo. But I'll tell you about my fun NYC and ADK times later because I'm mysterious and allusive. 

For now let me interest you in my New Semester's Resolutions. I felt strange making New Year's Resolutions, because I don't know what I'll be doing, where I'll be living, or anything about my life 5 months from now. Hard to make resolutions for a life full of question marks. Isn't senior year great??? So, New Semester's Resolutions seems a little more realistic. A new semester is a new leaf, a fresh start. Here's what I'm hoping will make it a great one:

  1. Write something for myself everyday. This can be a journal entry, blog post, short story, poem, song, whatever. As long as it's not an assignment or a to-do list, though I do love those. okkultmotionpictures  black and white vintage history business
  2. Draw a doodle in my new doodle book everyday. I bought a thin little Moleskin notebook that's small enough to put anywhere, so I started to draw little doodles about things that happened that day and date them. I want to keep those creative juices flowing. And maybe advance beyond stick figures.                                                                          maorisakai  illustration drawing sakura cherrytree
  3. Exercise 4 times a week. 30 minutes of cardio activity 4 times a week is proven to be as effective as taking an antidepressant. Bring it on, right?! I want to feel my best this semester and not get down, as I can tend to do. If I can get the benefits of an expensive, side-effect ridden, prescription medication just by getting my lazy butt moving a few days a week, sign me up.                                                                                               dancing 80s vintage retro exercise
I have a few more, but they're just little organizational goals, like keep my desk clean and plan outfits the night before. I'd also like to take up knitting, but I don't trust myself enough to keep that Resolutions, so I figured I'd label it more of an "aspiration." 

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