Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fall Times


I'm sorry for the long hiatus. Things get crazy. Transitions and such. But here I am! Full-blown senior in college.

The summer ended fantastically with an amazing last dinner at Blue Hill and going to Book of Mormon finally.

So far, the fall has been filled with frisbee, work, swimming in a river, a beautiful farm dinner,  a little apple picking, a sprained ankle from frisbee, attempting to plan for after graduation (eek!), dyeing my hair, Halloween, and a few visits from, and to, loved ones.

Senior year of college is a strange time. You're looking for jobs while submitting a paper proposal. You're trying to figure out what city you'd like to live in while you're reading Homer. You're trying to have the best year with your friends, knowing it will probably be the last time you'll all be in the same place. It does weird things to you. One foot out the door already. While it's all scary and new, I'm excited to see what comes next.

I've decided to write my senior English paper on women and mental illness, focusing on Jane Eyre and Mrs. Dalloway, looking specifically at how the emerging ideas of mental illness in the Victorian era impacted Charlotte Brontë's writing, if Brontë was creating a metaphor for the repression the patriarchy imposes on women, and how Virginia Woolf's own mental illness might make her work more authentic than Brontë's. I might throw in Turn of the Screw and talk about the role of governesses. I'm wild like that. But nobody really wants to hear about my paper.

In more crafty news, I've decided to sew my own halloween costume! My inspiration, and my only photo to go off of is a child's hooded dragon dress.  My friend JoAnn sent me some fabric, needles, and thread. And my other friend the Internet helped me try to figure the sewing part out. I made it in about two days and it was a therapeutic crafting time.  I felt very accomplished and would tell anyone within a 5-foot radius that I made it myself. Here's how it turned out:

And here are some more pictures, because I'm all out of broad updates for now. 

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