Monday, August 3, 2015

Summer, You Fleeting Mistress: How to Extend Her Glory

Most people admit that once August hits, summer has sung its sweet song and is already parting with us. I reject this idea.

While I admit that it feels like it was still May just last week, August is no less than those sweet early months of summer. The heat wave of July is over, and everyone feels nostalgic and eager to fit in everything they can before September hits. Why not capture that energy and pounce on every opportunity, rather than lament over our fair lover's short-lived beauty. Here's what I plan on doing to extend Summer's glory:

  1. Never Wear Pants. Frankly, this should be a motto at any point in the year, but especially now. Dresses and shorts allow summer to breeze its way onto as many areas of exposed skin as possible. Don't shut her out with pants.
  2. Read Books/Watch Shows about Winter. Nothing will make you feel more like you are in the heat of summer than watching someone else freeze to death while eating a moose carcass they found in the woods. 
  3. Go Outside. Eat outside, read outside, walk outside, pee outside, shower outside. You'll be grateful when it's January and you haven't felt the wind on your face in three moons. 
  4. Deny Everything. Tell October to go home while you eat ice cream in your bathing suit. 
  5. Surrender and Buy School Supplies. At some point, you'll have to come to grips with the fact that summer is ending and you must return to real life shortly. However, the blunt pain of this realization can be numbed with school/office supplies. Nothing heals wounds like a neat stack of notecards, or an eraser as pink as a baby's bottom. 

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