Sunday, July 19, 2015

Martha's Vineyard and New York Updates: Mostly Photos

I've been lucky enough to escape to my island home a few times so far this summer. Everyone requires the occasional break from the hustle and bustle and noise and smells and heat and smog and chicken bones in the street and crowded subway trains of the city once in a while to keep from going crazy. 
This is one of the prettier, calmer moments of the city that remind me how cool it is that I can be here. 

Working! By the way. I am now so happy to say that in addition to my remote internship that kept me cooped up in my teeny apartment, frightened to leave, I have to go to SoHo three days a week! What a burden. SoHo was one of the neighborhoods my family always made sure to go to when we visited New York. Although I'm now realizing how touristy it can be, I feel so lucky I get to work in the neighborhood I most enjoyed visiting. I work in dangerous proximity to almost every one of my favorite stores, and since both my internships are unpaid (free labor), this poses a potential issue. I've restrained myself from the shopping bug quite well so far, excepting a first-day-of-work treat: some white Superga sneakers. New York is a sneaker culture, and I found myself out of place in flats and Birkenstocks, so this was a necessary purchase, I tell myself. 

Anyway, back to the escapes to the Vineyard. The first time I went back, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing. The week of, my mom found a cheap flight there and Scott said he could come out for the last two days and drive us both home. The real kicker was that that weekend was Father's Day, and my very own father was going to be visiting the Vineyard. So we booked the flight and didn't tell him. Hehehehe. I jumped out from behind some bushes after he debarked the plane (it's a very small airport. It's primarily shrubbery) and he shed literal tears of joy. It was a great moment for me. I love making him cry. My mom, sister, and I laughed all the way to the car. 

Before he arrived, I took the opportunity to get some use out of my camera, and Sarah was more than willing to participate. Here's our attempt at an impromptu photo shoot:

Sarah was clearly better at it than I was, hence the multitude of photos of Sarah. Good job, Sarah. Ya look good, kid. 
The next time I went to the Vineyard, it was decided that very morning that I would be going at all. Scott and I hopped in the car and spent a couple days enjoying the sun. These are the photos from that trip:

Back in New York, the adventure doesn't stop. I'd seen online that Bastille Day was coming up, and there was a street festival in Manhattan. I am not one to pass on French crepes, mustard, or anything else Francais. Mustard was indeed purchased, as was a French novel, and plenty of crepes. I went for the classic strawberry and nutella. Nothing beats that.

After the French festivities, we decided to head back to Brooklyn in style: on the ferry. On a Saturday, tourists with cameras filled the deck, rather than the usual commuters. With the breeze in our hair, we passed the Manhattan skyline, the bridges, and spied the Statue of Liberty in the distance. We topped our day off with a trip to Shake Shack; my first SS experience. I am not ashamed to say that I went back for more the very next day. That shit be delicious.


I'll leave you with this drool-inducing photo and dare you not to Google where the nearest Shake Shack is.

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