Wednesday, August 13, 2014


There are so many wonderful things to be excited about when preparing to go abroad. There's the adventure, the new experiences, the travel, the culture, the new people... But for now, let's pay tribute to a few of the disparaging thoughts I have about my impending voyage to the land of the Scots.

1. How could I let myself study abroad in a country who's best known food is "haggis"?

Although I've never seen it in person, I understand haggis to be a grey, spongey food that will cause hallucinations of Scottish ponies wearing kilts and bagpipes made out of sheep. 

Nutella it is then.

2. Can't wait for that  10 euro cell phone

Because cell phone plans for international service are slippery beasts, I've decided to forgo them all together. I plan to pick up a pay as you go Brick phone from the 80s at the nearest corner store once I skip off the tarmac. They still sell those right?

3. I know zilch about Scottish culture

I'm not proud that I haven't dedicated a whole lot of time to researching my host country's culture, but I thought watching Brave might give me a leg up. This is the fifth image that comes up when "Scotland Culture" is googled, so my thin knowledge is supported. 

4. I don't want to leave Kenyon

I chose the most cliché picture I could find because in my mind while I'm away, Kenyon will look as impossibly perfect as this photo. I contemplated not going abroad because being away from this wonderful place filled with so many wonderful people will be hard. It makes it even worse that I'll miss out on some of my sister's first year there. I'll make up for lost time during second semester. 

But alas...

These are all ridiculously minor worries, and I couldn't be more excited to go to Scotland for a semester. Maybe I could be a little more excited if I was a little less nervous. Regardless, I look forward to the upcoming four months being some of the best and kilt-iest I've had so far.

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