Saturday, June 22, 2013

What Do You Mean You Didn't See Monsters University?

So, last night was Friday, June 21...Please tell me you know what significance that date holds....I'm taking your silence as a horrific sign that you are oblivious to the magnitude of awesomeness that ensued in movie theaters yesterday. It was the premiere of the long anticipated sequel to the Disney masterpiece Monsters Inc.!!!!!
I walk in with my sister and we enter the building with a considerable amount of, as the kids say, "swagger", because there was a PG-13 movie also showing (this theater only shows two movies at a time) that we could give the illusion we were mature enough to be interested in; a ridiculous notion, really. However, our imaginary  cool-factor was immediately shadowed by those waiting in line to purchase tickets to the "more age-appropriate" film. Pshh. You're not age appropriate! *self-high-five*

While I looked like this:

I was standing behind the worst kind of hipsters. The ones that are actually cool, most likely British, and have an outfit on that looks like it came out of a celebrity's closet; not a grandma's. It was terribly intimidating. They sauntered into the movie theater a little like this:

I cowered in awe. When it was my turn to purchase a ticket, I whispered, "One for Monsters University please."  She passed me my 3D glasses and I quickly slipped them into my satchel (the one vaguely hipster-y thing on my person; perhaps the one thing preventing me from getting judgmental glares from the chosen-ones who bravely walked the line separating preppy and hipster). I hurried into the theater, barely avoiding a body check by a 6 year old girl sprinting out of the same theater. 

Once in the theater, surrounded by my people, I practically skipped down the aisle. Nothing could ruin this for me. After a tough negotiation with my more practical sister, we moved a few rows up so that blue fur and green spheres with eyeballs could take up our whole range of vision. Then a terrible realisation dawned on me...I wore my glasses to a 3D movie.
Only those with impaired vision who have also made this blunder can feel my pain. I adjusted my 3D glasses to balance on top of my regular glasses and the tears getting on both sets of lenses briefly blurred the screen from view.

But none of that mattered once the film started and I was whisked away to Monstroplolis. I'm generally a fan of most any Disney movie (except Wreck-it-Ralph. He can go back to the dark arcade he came from), so it's no surprise I was laughing and crying and basically having my heart strings tugged everywhich way during this movie. I loved the movie, I will probably see it again within the next few hours, but the overall dedication Disney has to its movies makes them even better. They created an MU website that rivals some sites for actual universities I've seen. Go to this link and apply, or just buy a hat:

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