Friday, August 16, 2013

Zombies at Summer Time

Zombies don't come out after dark. They come out after May. I'm a server at a restaurant in a town whose streets vibrate with the smack of flip flops during the summer months, and crinkles with only the sounds of seagulls nibbling stray crumbs out of fishermen's beards.What I'm trying to say here is that this place is filled with tourists in the summer, and then the population count goes down a couple thousand once it's over. Having to deal with these hordes on a daily basis is interesting to say the least.
People say the way someone treats their server says a lot about them, and if that's true, I should have warned some customers that their dining partner might have been a questionable choice.
Let me set the scene. Usually, as I drag tables across the patio to their appropriate positions and scoot the chairs that will support those plump rears all day up to them, a fair number of "up-and-at-'em" types walk by. These almost always include a family, walking four across, dressed in their whites with tennis rackets strapped jauntily over their shoulders, sauntering down the street like some cheerful army, ready to drown me in iced tea or unleash their five year old to knock me out with her back-swing as her mom redoes her french braid.

Don't be fooled: these people are zombies that suck out your soul and leave you with a 2 dollar tip on a 50 dollar meal. But I'm sounding cynical. Some people are beyond kind and overly generous; the mean ones are just more fun to gripe about. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

One Day Three Nurseries

Yesterday my sister and I both had the day off from work. The morning was promising. We went to our favorite pancake place, which also happens to be on a small airfield with heaps of old fashioned biplanes milling about, and ordered three stacks, complete with Maine blueberries and chocolate chips. My stomach filled with warm, syrupy goodness, I was in such a state of bliss that I didn't protest at all when my mother suggested we make a stop to a nursery to pick up some small trees for her garden. Little did I know, one nursery would lead to two more and this gardening excursion would take up the rest of the day. What follows are the chronicles of the green, flowery time-sucking vortex I experienced. But I was on such a sugar rush, I didn't really care. I think my mother planned it like that all along, the diabolical genius. She innocently suggests taking her two daughters to get sugar-laden pancakes, only so that they are subdued for her horticultural chores.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

What Do You Mean You Didn't See Monsters University?

So, last night was Friday, June 21...Please tell me you know what significance that date holds....I'm taking your silence as a horrific sign that you are oblivious to the magnitude of awesomeness that ensued in movie theaters yesterday. It was the premiere of the long anticipated sequel to the Disney masterpiece Monsters Inc.!!!!!
I walk in with my sister and we enter the building with a considerable amount of, as the kids say, "swagger", because there was a PG-13 movie also showing (this theater only shows two movies at a time) that we could give the illusion we were mature enough to be interested in; a ridiculous notion, really. However, our imaginary  cool-factor was immediately shadowed by those waiting in line to purchase tickets to the "more age-appropriate" film. Pshh. You're not age appropriate! *self-high-five*

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Adventures in the Mall

Today, since coming home from college I have nothing productive to do, I decided to join my mother in a foray to the wondrous hyper-center of American consumerism: the mall. That's not to say I don't like the mall. We just got some really good stores. (oh meh gawd Free People AND Sephora?) Anyway, my goal for this expedition into the land of gazillion calorie pretzels and stores that don't want "uncool" customers was to procure for myself a hoop for my recent cartilage piercing. I'm a wuss and didn't get the hoop right off the bat when it was actually pierced because I knew it would hurt too badly. Little did I know that there is a small market for cartilage hoops that are not hot pink with devilish points on the ends, or black and reminiscent of angry teenagers. My relatively preppy mother and borderline hippie/actually-just-unstylish me ventured into Hot Topic. That store is a completely different world. There were cases of "body jewelry" or "BJ" (hmm...) taller than me, next to walls wallpapered with t-shirts of bands with angst-y names. There were many other objects in the store that I was too scared to investigate closely. I don't mean to say that I wouldn't want anything that Hot Topic sells, or that I look down on anyone who shops there. Those people just intimidate me so severely that when I walk in there with my bun and my Toms, I feel as though I am a member of another tribe that is very clearly trespassing.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


So everyone knows the first post of any blog will contain nothing substantial. Why would you walk up to someone without introducing yourself and tell them a intriguing, entertaining, and insightful, yet unexpected and perhaps unwelcome story? I'm not trying to just walk into the internet and start blabbering into Space without letting Space know who I am! Wait...I kind of am doing that. Let's get acquainted.
I'm Caroline.
This is me.
With my biggest and brightest smile.
...and squinty-est eyes...
That's more normal.

Anyway, I just finished my first year of college in Ohio, and I'm headed to Massachusetts soon to work as a waitress in a tourist-packed seaside town. That always proves for some interesting encounters. I'm hoping to use this blog to post about some of those that I find worthy of you lovely readers, as well as other interesting anecdotes and awkward situations. I assure you there will be plenty awkward situations with me. And I shall write about them for your enjoyment. 
You can look forward to it.